Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Skipping 2018...

 2018 wasn't a very good year... so it kinda got skipped on hear. I did have a special blog going on instead.

My Life as a Super Hero...  Me vs. Breast Cancer

That's right...  In February of 2018 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We thought it was only Stage 2, but it ended up being Stage 3. My mom had Stage 0 Breast Cancer like the year before. My cousin had been going thru Breast Cancer herself right before I found out about mine.

My Cousin opted for a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Reconstruction is actually a series of surgeries before you have a finished product. Through her journey she hit alot of speed bumps and obstacles like infections and surgical site failing. Watching and reading about her troubles was one of many reasons why I opted out of reconstruction.

Yes I sometimes miss having the "girls". Fake ones are not quite the same. The weight might be there but it's detached now. The body is now a different shape... nothing feels the same and clothes don't always fit right. There are some clothes I just can't wear anymore... at least not until I figure out the Faux "girls" thing.

If you want to read along with the journey I went thru... just click on the link above. I'm still dealing with complications from Chemo. I'm still under hormone therapy to try and push me in to menopause early... which my body is fighting...

In 2018, I went thru my 1st Mammogram, 3 biopsies, Chemo, Radiation, and 4 surgeries in 8 months. (one of those surgeries was for a kidney problem they found while looking for cancer). I now deal with neuropathy in my hands, feet and legs. The muscles in my legs are weakened. My stamina and strength are weakened. I have issues with my muscles in my right foot. The bones in my feet have also thinned. Found that out when I found out I had a stress fracture in my right foot.

I'm a mess but I'm still going. I was out of work for about a year. I finally went back to work in 2019. One of the customer I've helped alot found out and made me a quilt. I took the quilt with me when I went in for Chemo because I was always cold.

I sometimes can't figure out how I make it thru my shifts at work... I just seem to muddle thru them.